
We live near one of the very old paths that lead up the mountain. In the past, most of the local livestock was taken up the path in the Spring to remain on the high pastures all summer. One of our neighbours, he is about seventy years old, has told my bipeds stories of when he was a boy.

He said that once a week someone would climb the mountain with a donkey carrying food for the men who were spending the summer up there. He often went. The day before the trip, everyone in the village who had someone up on the mountain brought packages of food to his mother’s house. He would get up before dawn and load it all onto the donkey and he would set out just before first light. He would arrive at the pastures before the real heat of the day and spend the day up there, returning in the late evening.

Not many farmers take their livestock up the mountain anymore, but there is one farmer nearby who still takes his cows up every year. He brought the cows down a couple of days ago. They take nearly an hour to go past the end of our road. I don’t know how many there are in the herd. I would like to go out and supervise, but I’m never allowed to do more than watch from a distance!

Cows going by

Cows going by the end of our road

It looks really tranquil. Look a little closer and you will see that they are all wearing cowbells.

Cow with cowbell

Cow with cowbell

I had never heard cowbells until we came to live here. I had a romantic notion that they would sound pretty. I can tell you that there is nothing romantic about the cowbells in this area. They are purely functional and designed to be heard from as far afield as possible. The sound is like someone beating a big metal saucepan with a wooden spoon! Multiply that sound by the number of cows in the herd and you will understand why my bipeds say that they can’t hear themselves think when the cows are going by. Yet they still won’t let me go and hurry the cows along!

That’s two changes I’ve told you about – a seasonal one and a change that’s happening with the passing of the years. I now come to another change! I recently asked my bipeds to help me make some ch-ch-changes to my corner. They asked me what I meant and I explained I thought I’d like to give my blog a makeover.

There was hysterical laughter. They reminded me that my makeovers haven’t always been a success! They said the bathroom was a mess when I’d finished and that the bench in the kitchen collapsed. They laughed even harder and started talking about the changes I made to the water barrel in the garden and how I’d turned the lawn into a rabbit warren.

I waited patiently for them to come back to the matter in paw. They helped me decide what I was looking for in a new theme. The top of my list was that the theme should be responsive, so that it works well for you however large or small your screen.

I hope you think this makeover is a success! Please let me know if you have any difficulties with anything.

If you’re puzzled by my title, all will become clear if you listen to “Changes” by David Bowie.

See you next Wednesday!

132 thoughts on “Ch-Ch-Changes

  1. Clowie first thing we noticed were the changes to your bloggie that your peeps did for rude to laugh! and yes best keep away while the cows do their thing they are big and could get excited to see you and stampede hehehe we love David Bowies Changes and yes either time or season we all witness changes 🙂 have a great day hugs Fozziemum xx

  2. We love all your Ch-Ch-Changes Clowie. The blog is looking great and is super easy to use. We see cows with bells often but don’t get to hear them en masse but can imagine they are deafening!

    • Thank you, I’m glad you like it! It is loud when they go by in a herd. It’s such a contrast to the quietness we enjoy most of the time.

  3. cascadiannomads

    Change is always a good thing, Clowie! Happy Autumn! 🙂

  4. Since Satin, I have really wanted to see Pyrs in their natural environment, doing what they were breed to do. Since we had no livestock, Satin would watch over the neighborhood children playing in our yard:)

    • I watch over everyone and everything. I know my cats feel safe with me around. I sometimes think it would be nice to have some livestock, but then I wouldn’t be able to go out on the long hikes in the mountains that I so enjoy.

  5. It looks rather nice, Clowie. Cows walking down the road. It is a rather romantic notion!

    • Thank you, Rumpy. My bipeds say the cowpats they leave are not very romantic, but I don’t see the problem! It is nice to see them out in the fresh air and looking healthy.

  6. Loving the new image 🙂

  7. LOL the bells …the bells!!!! Love your ch ch changes Clowie. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. The new theme is very soothing and nice to look at. I give it 4 paws up. I have never heard a cow bell on an actual cow. At Christmas time, Mom puts a jingle bell on me.

    Love and licks,

  9. Clowie I love your new look! Very nice….well done girlfriend!!! Mom says when she and Dad visited Lucerne, Switzerland it was her first “cowbell experience” and she and Dad were awakened every morning by the sound of cowbells clacking and clonking in the distance. Sort of a nice sound she said but if there were a hundred cows it might not have been so SOOTHING!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    • Thank you, Sammy. I’m pleased you like what I’ve done with my corner.
      The cowbells do sound quite nice in the distance, but when they’re close by they are loud! It’s amazing how much noise a herd on the move makes.

  10. This post makes Mom miss living in southern Germany where the cows had bells, came down through the streets, etc. It was just like you read in story books, only it was reality! She does not miss the cow poop everywhere and my sister Katie wanting to eat it.

    • It’s easier to dodge the cowpats, if you want to, than it is what the sheep and goats leave behind. My bipeds don’t like that on their shoes. We often have to wait for animals on the road when we go out in the car. I still get quite excited when the car is surrounded by sheep!

  11. We love the Ch Ch Changes. Your header is terrific. But mostly we love the story about the cows going up the mountain and how they took food by donkey up the mountain. That is too great. Take care and have a great day.

    • Thank you, I’m really pleased you like it. That neighbour has some really interesting stories to tell about the old days. My bipeds love hearing his tales when he’s in the mood to chat.

  12. Oh Clowie what super CH CH Changes 🙂 I have never seen a cow, a horse but not a cow. 🙂 Have a super week. Love David and that song is going to be on Mummy’s mind all day BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    • Thank you, Mollie! You’d probably find cows quite exciting. It’s a good song to have in your head all day, it’s going round mine!

  13. Love the song!
    Love the new layout, it’s like you were waiting for me to come back to put the new layout, like a welcome gift lol
    Jokes aside, I really like the new design.

    • Ha, it took some really careful planning to launch it to welcome you back!! Thank you, I’m glad to hear you like my new look. And it’s nice to see you again!

  14. WOWIE CLOWIE ! We like the ch ch changes very much. We have some cow neighbours,they don’t have bells,but they have noisy donkey friends who warn of wolves and other scary stuff.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxxx

  15. I like the changes. Very cool about the cows. I have never heard cow bells on cows either. 🙂

    • Thank you. It is quite a sight to see such a long line of cows just following the man along the road. He has one or two younger men bring up the rear of the procession, they move any cows that have stopped for a snack on the way.

  16. Wow! Those are REAL MOUNTAINS! Your new look has made me even more eager for winter to come so I can have Rob the Snowman build me my mini Pyrenees range again…. I really like your new look, Clowie!
    And Elizabeth really enjoyed your video. She told me that when she was in University, David Bowie (Did you notice his name rhymes with yours?) made a last minute detour to sing in Winnipeg, where she lived then. She went, and says that even though he was just a dot on a distant stage, she loved every minute! And she still has the unworn T-shirt hanging in the closet. She says it’s too special a souvenir to wear. Sort of like the milk carton I found last weekend and partially buried in my dugout – it’s just nice to take out and sniff once-in-a-while and remember happy times.
    Thank you from both of us! You’ve made our days!

    • Hi Stella! I’m glad you like my new look. I hope you get enough snow to make a copy of my mountains soon!
      I’ll let you into a little secret about my name. It’s spelt the way it is in honour of David Bowie! My bipeds have some T-shirts from concerts, some worn and some in pristine condition. They have seen him perform a few times. He did a tour of some small venues in Britain and they managed to get to one. They said that was really special.
      Enjoy your milk carton, these things have a habit of disappearing!

  17. I like the new design! Looks sleek!
    Nearly an hour is a lot of cows! You sometimes see that on the secondary roads outside the city here, but since we’re in the ‘burbs, we don’t get the pleasure.

    • Thank you. It is a lot of cows. They don’t exactly hurry, but it’s a long procession of them! We often come across sheep and goats on the mountain roads.

  18. your header looks great, now I can see the endless mountains with you in the middle. My silly staff said I should wear such a cow bell too, that they can hear where I am. They are crazy! Thanks for the song, it was nice to hear David today.

    • Thank you, Easy! I think your staff would soon be even crazier if they had to listen to a bell when you were running around the garden!

  19. The changes with your new photo in the middle of the lovely scene are so inviting. All the rest is very easy to follow. Good job Clowie! Loved the story of the cows and the photos. Wonder how far those cow bells can be heard? That was interesting. Wag wag, Max & Bella

    • Thank you, that’s good to hear!
      We can hear the bells long before they get here. The air is often very still and then even small sounds travel a long way. We’ve noticed that when we walk higher up the mountain, the sounds from below us are very clear.

  20. Uff. *wipes sweat off forehead* Thanks for the change. It’s a good idea to change to a responsive theme. I followed your example and changed ours too. Hard work. Some things just don’t work in this theme, I sadly got no big photo of old Tristan, the dog shown in the old header. Would be nice if you could tell me if you can read. I changed the colour and intensity of the background picture so people can still read. Can they really read? Could you check?

    • Yes, I’ve just been back to check, I can read the text quite clearly. I like the colour you chose for your background, it blends with your header photo well. I found it quite fiddly getting the header as I wanted. It uses nothing like the size it advises – well maybe it does if your screen is 6ft across!

      • Yeah exactly, and it’s quite big 2500px to 413px. And I got no originals of the past years anymore. My old camera took maximum 2500px -width-photos. Even last year I changed size mostly to 2048px width. Mostly due to lazyness. Should have known better.

        Thank you for test-reading. I’m relieved to hear that it’s readable. 🙂

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