My favourite indoor games

It’s still very hot, so I’m spending a lot of time indoors in the cool. I spend part of the day taking a nap, as the heat can be very tiring. I can’t play any of my favourite outdoor games during the day, so it’s nice to play a quiet game indoors with the cats or my bipeds.

Sometimes we play hide and seek, but mostly we play games that I can play without moving. Most games that require me to move very much have been declared outdoor games by my bipeds anyway! I’ll tell you more about some of those another time.

A quiet game of cards From Wikimedia Commons

A quiet game of cards
From Wikimedia Commons

Mulberry, the cat, comes and plays with my tail sometimes. He’s always gentle, so I swish it back and forth for him. Occasionally he plays with my rope tug toy. I will take one end in my mouth and move it about for him to chase. He looks so cute doing that! We always stop if we see the bipeds pick up a camera, it’s really funny!

My bipeds sometimes balance treats on my nose or my paws and I wait until they say that I can take the treat. They also put treats near me in a pattern and tell me which one I can take – I always get them all in the end!

We play a game where I’m lying on the floor and they try to catch my front paws. I can move my paws around really quickly and sometimes I tuck them underneath me, so that they can’t touch them – that makes them laugh! If they touch my paws, they put both hands on top and we play a silly game where we pull the hand or paw out from the bottom of the pile of paws and hands and put it on the top. That means a different  paw or hand is on the bottom and needs moving to the top. We move our hands and paws faster and faster until the bipeds laugh and give me a hug.

Another game they play with me is to hold both hands out in front of them, closed in a fist, with a treat in one of them and say, “Which hand?” I sniff their hands and nudge the one that has the treat. I was quite a young puppy when we first played this. The first time we played, one of the bipeds put a piece of liver cake in one hand and held out both hands so that I couldn’t see which hand the treat was in. I didn’t know what I needed to do to get the treat, but the smell of the liver cake was enticing so I nudged the hand that held it to make it clear I wanted the treat.

I know that the first few times we played, they always made sure their hands were clean and they’d only touched the treat with the hand it was hidden in and it was always a treat with a strong smell. This made it easy for me to smell the treat and learn what they wanted me to do. They now try to make it much more difficult by handling the treat with both hands, but I always get it right. Although, it does become more difficult if we play for a while – they get more and more treat smell on their hands and I need to sniff both hands carefully to get it right. I really enjoy this game!

I’ve updated last week’s post about being safe in the heat so that some of the important points made in the comments don’t get missed.

See you next Wednesday!

103 thoughts on “My favourite indoor games

  1. Wow, maybe you can teach Beary & Bella a few things? 😉

  2. What lovely games you have for hot days. Love that Mulberry joins in!

  3. What cool indoor game ideas. I like games that don’t require too much running around!

  4. If Amelia or Gryphon try to join in to our indoor game time it turns into too much chasing for indoors. Cats and dogs have to have separate play times here. I like the find the treat in the hand game idea. Thanks, Clowie.

    • I don’t know what bipeds have against running around indoors! We do have a lot of fun with the choosing the correct hand game.

  5. We need to play those indoors games, we have it very hot here for the UK, so my daytime walks have to be in the evening . See ya next Wednesday Clowie, keep cool xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    • Do your best to keep cool. It can be difficult in the UK when it’s hot – the buildings are not designed to keep the heat out!

  6. Clowie you clever girl! Sounds like you’ve trained your bipeds quite well to play games with you…..and when it’s super hot outside, indoor games are a MUST (along with lots of extra treats of course!!). Stay cool pretty girl…………it’s HOT HOT HOT here too and I’m staying inside too!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  7. Great games for those hot days. Have a wonderful Wednesday and stay cool.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. I love your games ! I shall try them with Maria 😉 … And i wish we had a cat like your Mulberry … Maria had a cat before me who lived 21 year… And when he died Maria said that she nerver could get a cat again because she missed Norpan so much …
    But now it 18 years since he passed away and i think its time for us to have a cat again … Because i love cats and i´m always very kind towards them … // Yarri 🙂

    • Thank you! I hope you enjoy the games.
      I’m sorry that Maria missed Norpan so much, it must have felt very strange to be without him after such a long time together. It would be lovely for you, if Maria’s ready to get another cat.

  9. Great games! A few are new to me and I’m going to give them a try with our pups. Thanks!

  10. We are spending a lot of time indoors too. I like that game where you get to sniff out a treat. Stay cool!

  11. Sounds like you are finding things to do indoors. We are napping a lot, storing up energy for when the weather cools down. My cat bro Bert loves to play in my sister’s tail fur. She gets so mad at him as he sometimes bites her tail!

  12. I’d like to play the “hidden treat game” with Doggy but he doesn’t like treats, not even hotdogs, I can’t fool him with food. His favorite indoor game seems to be chasing roaches, he has caught 3 in last 3 weeks.

  13. When it’s hot outside we have to find things to do in the house to help the time pass and while naps are good, games are awesome. It sounds like you are having some fun!

  14. We like chasing the ice ‘smiles’ in our water bowls!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob

  15. Sounds like a sweet, lazy summer for you, Clowie! Our dogs are playing with the bunny this summer. Rather, the bunny is playing with them. I give the pups treats as rewards for putting up with Humperdink.

  16. Sounds like a lota fun, Clowie. We think we’ll fly over cyberspace for a visit and cooler play day with ya’ll. We hafta watch it also with our black coats and heat approaching 3 digits. Pant pant, wag wag. Max & Bella

    • It is fun! Black coats do make it even harder, you don’t reflect any of the heat. A play day would be nice! Stay in the cool.

  17. barkandchatter

    Great ideas, Clowie! It’s hard to find fun stuff to do when you’re stuck inside!

  18. Clowie thanks for these great ideas for indoor games! It is super hot here in Michigan and my Mom might have to try a few of these out! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  19. You’ve come up with some great indoor games Clowie…It’s impawtant to keep busy and it’s so nice that you and Mulberry enjoy the time together

  20. Those are the funnest games ever. I like that most of them end with treats in your belly. My favorite games end like that.

    Love and licks and mmmm-liver!

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